Resignation Letter Contents

I have seen a good number of resignation letters in the past 15 years – from one liners to essay letters. Anyhow, it really doesn’t matter how long your resignation letter is. But, there are key components you have to observe and include when writing one. Assuming, of course, you have thought this through and based your decision to leave on solid grounds (i.e. not emotionally tainted).

Before checking out the list, check first the Resignation DOs and DON’Ts and do it the right way. As they say, never burn bridges. Well, except for these five cases by Liz Ryan.

Anyhow. Done reading the DOs and DON’Ts? Ok. Here we go…

  • Address your letter to your immediate lead.
  • Indicate your last day at work or the effective date of your resignation, note that the effective date is your last day + 1, regardless of whether it be a weekday, weekend or holiday.
  • Review your contract and check how many days of notice period you signed up for when you joined. Be sure to serve these number of days.
  • Write from the heart – there are several templates out there, but each circumstance is unique; and sure you can use them, but please edit well enough so that it reflects your own thoughts/experiences and true reason/s for leaving.
  • Finally, ensure you give them your personal contact details – email and/or mobile number, this sends the message that you are open to communicating with them even after your last day.

There it is, very simple and does not need to be very long. Of course depending on what you want to say in your resignation letter.

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