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Celebrate Little Victories

Celebrate Little Victories

Wake up. Coffee. Feed dogs. Sweep outside. Get ready. Work. Cook. Lunch. Work. House chores. Dinner. Rest.

This is my usual daily routine and probably yours is like this too.  

Sometimes we feel like we are stuck in where we are and what we do now. We feel like we are doing things over and over and that our life just revolves around work. We might not be able to change the situation instantly, but there is something we can do to up the game.

Define what little victories are.

This may be as simple as waking up earlier than usual, or adding fruits to your lunch, or exercising, or getting a big project done.

Know your target.

While some tasks seem to be overwhelming, do not be discouraged. Break down your tasks into smaller ones. Write it down in a to-do list. That way, you could feel accomplished when you are able to check one off the list.

Why celebrate?

It makes you happy. When you are happy, your brain sends signals to your body which makes you feel even better and reduces stress.

It gives you motivation to continue. You might get tired sometimes, but when you do, remember to look back at why you started.

It gives you confidence. You may still be far from your goals but you have already gone a long way. You might not be able to leap yet, but you are taking small steps forward.

It gives you something to look forward to.

How to celebrate?

Acknowledge your small wins. Every time you accomplish something, recognize it.

Have a positive mindset and learn to appreciate your triumphs, no matter how small.

Be grateful for being able to complete a job.

Reward yourself. It doesn’t have to be grand. Even a simple treat will do. Coffee, a snack, a little gift.

Involve others. Tell people you trust about your success, and how you celebrate it. You might convince them to do the same and spread good vibes. If you are confident enough, share it to the world through social media.

Jot it down in a journal or a daily log of victories. After a week or a month, you will be surprised at how much you accomplished.

You did a great job and you deserve some rest. Getting enough rest may also be a treat itself. After all, you deserve it.

Wake up. Coffee. Feed dogs. Sweep outside. Get ready. Work. Cook. Lunch. Work. House chores. Dinner. Rest.

This is my usual daily routine and I am grateful for every task that I accomplish. 


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